Histogram of songs in a major key
We have mostly used popular western music for the analysis and that's why we see an over-representation for C Major, G Major, D Major, A major.
These are the most popular keys that music is created in. On the other hand, D# Major is much less popular.
Histogram of songs in a minor key
Here we see an over-representation for B minor, E minor, F minor and A minor.
These are the most popular keys that music is created in. On the other hand, D# minor is much less popular, as is G# minor, to a lesser degree.
Histogram of song tempo (BPM)
We see a peak around 124 BPM, which is a common tempo for dance music.
We also see a peak around 92 BPM, which is a common tempo for ballads.
There is a smaller peak around 172bpm, a common tempo for fast dance music, and around 80bpm for slow ballads.
Histogram of song duration
The most common song length for this selection of music is around 3:30 minutes.
The longest song is Master Of Puppets by Metallica, at 8:35 minutes.
The shortest song is a mere 1:27 minutes (87 seconds): Evergreen bij Richy Mitch.
Histogram of song energy
Histogram of song happiness
Histogram of song danciness
Histogram of song speechiness
Histogram of song release year
Histogram of song popularity