Musical histograms

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Histogram of songs in a major key

All major keys
We have mostly used popular western music for the analysis and that's why we see an over-representation for C Major, G Major, D Major, A major. These are the most popular keys that music is created in. On the other hand, D# Major is much less popular.

Histogram of songs in a minor key

All minor keys
Here we see an over-representation for B minor, E minor, F minor and A minor. These are the most popular keys that music is created in. On the other hand, D# minor is much less popular, as is G# minor, to a lesser degree.

Histogram of song tempo (BPM)

Music tempo
We see a peak around 124 BPM, which is a common tempo for dance music. We also see a peak around 92 BPM, which is a common tempo for ballads. There is a smaller peak around 172bpm, a common tempo for fast dance music, and around 80bpm for slow ballads.

Histogram of song duration

Song duration
The most common song length for this selection of music is around 3:30 minutes. The longest song is Master Of Puppets by Metallica, at 8:35 minutes. The shortest song is a mere 1:27 minutes (87 seconds): Evergreen bij Richy Mitch.

Histogram of song energy

Musical energy

Histogram of song happiness

Happiness in music

Histogram of song danciness

Danciness in music

Histogram of song speechiness

Speechiness in music

Histogram of song release year

release year

Histogram of song popularity

song popularity
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