This song was released in 1997, which is 28 years
Check here for more songs from
the same decade 1990 - 1999
The song
lasts 256 seconds, which
is 04:16 minutes.
This is rather long.
The tempo of Into My Arms is
94.2 bpm
This could be considered slow, like deep house or folk.
The time signature of this
song is 4/4 (like most pop songs)
Each measure of 4 beats is approx
2.5 secs long.
We estimate
this song to be
100 measures
and this makes for
± 25
phrases of 4 measures.
This song was written/performed in
key of
C Major.
The mood of the song could be described
as sad mood,
somewhat danceable,
silent and calm.
The feel of the recording is
one or more singers,
purely studio recording.
This song is
mostly music/singing,
completely acoustic.