This song was released in 2024, which is 1 years
Check here for more songs from
the same decade 2020 - 2025
The song
lasts 92 seconds, which
is 01:32 minutes.
This is very short.
The tempo of What If Hell Was Eternity On Earth? is
170 bpm
This could be considered very fast, like drum&bass.
The time signature of this
song is 4/4 (like most pop songs)
Each measure of 4 beats is approx
1.4 secs long.
We estimate
this song to be
65 measures
and this makes for
± 16
phrases of 4 measures.
This song was written/performed in
key of
A# Minor.
The mood of the song could be described
as very happy & cheerful,
very danceable,
low energy.
The feel of the recording is
one or more singers,
purely studio recording.
This song is
mostly music/singing,
completely acoustic.