"Repican Las Campanas" by Los Reales del Valle

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This song was released in 2019, which is 6 years ago. Check here for more songs from the same decade 2010 - 2019
The song lasts 115 seconds, which is 01:55 minutes. This is very short.
The tempo of Repican Las Campanas is 124.7 bpm (beats-per-minute). This could be considered like house or disco. The time signature of this song is 3/4 (the waltz feel) . Each measure of 3 beats is approx 1.4 secs long.
We estimate this song to be 80 measures long and this makes for ± 20 phrases of 4 measures.
This song was written/performed in the key of C# Minor. The mood of the song could be described as very happy & cheerful, very danceable, high energy.
The feel of the recording is one or more singers, purely studio recording. This song is mostly music/singing, a bit acoustic.
Appears in 1 playlists:
Top 50 - Chile
Appears in 1 countries:
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